How many employees in Zeyi?
We have more than 300 emplyees. Zeyi Aluminum Co., Ltd. employs an abundance of techniques to produce a high quality product. Our company takes advantage of the potential of our high-quality employees to continuously improve anodized aluminum extrusions . The precision management by the enterprise leaders and the efforts of all employees make Zeyi.

Based on outstanding ability in aluminium profile for wardrobe R&D and production, Zeyi has got a good presence in the China market. Zeyi focuses on providing a variety of standard aluminium profiles for customers. The production of our team aluminium profile for doors complies with international manufacturing standards. Thus, the use of toxic bleaches, dyes, and other chemicals is limited. This product is characterized by scratch resistance. The product has usability and long service life. Resistant to deformation, this product can be used for a long time.

We focus on a progressive, diverse and inclusive culture. We pursue growth through innovation in emerging markets and services and operational excellence. We will be a company that achieves real progress for our customers around the world.
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